Our Moses Heritage
I have so much information on this side of my family that I am dedicating a special page to it. My greatest source comes from Liz Moses Culp (lizmoses@aol.com) who is the quintessential Moses researcher. We met on the internet and she sent me a rough draft of a book she is working on currently. If you find any errors, please notify us so we can make the proper corrections. She has several sources, many from the families themselves. I have a separate page just for the MOSES family since I have so much information. Right now it is not much, in comparison to what I have on paper. Check back often for updates on the Moses family as I have 1,000s of names left to add.

Also, if you have pictures you want to add or anything, please email me. I am especially interested in family stories or anything that might be lacking. Thanks and I hope you enjoy.

MOSES Family Genealogy

Moses Family Index
467 names. Last updated: 3/16/99

Moses Family Surnames

324 currently. Last updated: 3/16/99

MOSES Family Genealogy


Last Updated: March 16, 1999
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